A Cup of Coffee with God
(A review from Frith Robb—thanks, Frith, for sharing this with our readers!)
I have so many distractions at home that I often find it difficult to set a time aside to pray. Yet if a friend unexpectedly drops in there always seems to be time for a coffee and a chat—usually it’s just about mundane things. We enjoy the brief and unexpected get-together.
I once asked a wise church minister about my problem with setting aside time for prayer, and this was his reply:
“What about sitting down for ten minutes in a quiet room with a nice cup of coffee and asking God to share that time with you? You don’t need to speak – but tell Him that this is His time and yours together. God will absolutely love to spend any time with you – even if it’s over a cup of coffee”
A Dog and A Clock helps me to do just that.