
Cover Design Progress Book 3

We’re Making Progress on the Covers!

In consultation with the author, we’ve made further progress on the cover designs for Books 2 and 3. Thanks to friends on Facebook and Twitter for feedback, especially on Book 3.

As we thought about the best title for Book 3, it seemed that a reading from the book, one based on the experience of the Apostle Paul in Acts where he was providentially hindered from ministering in an area that he wished to go to, would make for a good title.

Originally titled along the lines of “Our Troas Experiences,” we thought the concept would be better expressed in how sometimes God seems to block our pathway and our plans. And so the title “When God Blocks Our Path” seemed a good title to use. Here is how we are thinking of wording the back cover blurb:

When disappointments come our way, we may think that God has failed us and forsaken us. But Scripture assures us that such things are never the case. The Lord went with Paul even though it seemed his pathway was being blocked. He never sends His people into difficult circumstances without going with them. If God is with us in our disappointments, the thing we must do to help ourselves face those disappointments is focus on Him.

We appreciated network feedback on using red as a primary color for the book. As one person indicated, it’s a universal color for “stop” or “caution.”

We’re sure you will like reading this book, the third in the series, once it is in print.

If you are interested in putting your name down to order a copy, contact us HERE and let us know so that we can alert you as soon as the book is in print!

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

Second Book in the Series Well Underway

We Are Making Good Progress on Book 2!

Thumbs-up on progress made…

The “Thumbs-Up” Man… And 30 Other Bible-Based Meditations

Today, we worked with the main author of Book 2, Roger Ellsworth (all the members of his family are contributing to this book–his wife, Sylvia, and their two sons, Tim and Martyn), and finalized the sequence of chapters for the Table of Contents. We think you will enjoy even just perusing the list–Here it is!

1 The Thumbs-Up Man

2 That Terrible, Terrific Moment

3 Our Gulf-Spanning God

4 Saying Goodbye to a World of Goodbyes

5 Thanks for the Thoughts

6 Even My Cap Knows I’ve Been Saved!

7 God Leads His Dear Children

8 The Way of the Righteous

9 How Will We Be Remembered?

10 The Fretful Clock

11 Unsung Heroes

12 Wisdom for the Life Business

13 Words to the Bride

14 The Therapy of Thanks in the Thick of Things

15 I Want to Hear Bert Wilson Pray Again

16 Hard Thoughts about God

17 My Sanctified Dog, Gus

18 Our Need-Meeting God

19 Who Like Me

20 Dad’s Old Bible

21 Getting the Hallelujah Back (1)

22 Getting the Hallelujah Back (2)

23 Seeing from Heaven’s Glory with Heaven’s Eyes

24 The New Dress

25 The Wonderful Cross

 26 God’s Prescription for an Age-Old Malady

27 The Ups and Downs of Faith

28 Lord, Help Me to Spaffordize

29 Can You Bear to Let Them Go?

30 A Death That Led to Life

31 A Throne Set in Heaven

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

“Right On!”

Five Stars and More

We were delighted to receive this feedback from a happy reader:

Regarding the books by Roger Ellsworth, I found his A Dog and a Clock most encouraging and uplifting.  His style is very personal and accessible.  His application of the Scriptures in each devotional is “right on,” if I may use that expression.

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

Ways to Buy My Coffee-Cup Meditations Books

Your Choices

You may buy your copies of A Dog and A Clock from various sources.

You may buy online here.

You may buy online from a vendor such as Amazon.

You may order the book from any vendor of your choice.

Because this book (and others following in the series) are printed in different locations around the world, you should never have to wait long for your copy!

Enjoy reading your copy of A Dog and A Clock!

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

Writing: A Family Project

The Whole Family Is Contributing

The next book in the My Coffee-Cup Meditations series is to feature contributions not only from Roger Ellsworth, but also from his wife, Sylvia, and their sons, Tim and Marty.

It’s an enjoyable exercise being able to see the chapter contributions from each family member and thinking of how best to sequence these so that our readers will get the greatest benefit from them.

Look out for more information about the next book coming your way soon!

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

The Devotional Coffee Break: Taking Time to Meet with God

A Cup of Coffee with God

(A review from Frith Robb—thanks, Frith, for sharing this with our readers!)

I have so many distractions at home that I often find it difficult to set a time aside to pray. Yet if a friend unexpectedly drops in there always seems to be time for a coffee and a chat—usually it’s just about mundane things. We enjoy the brief and unexpected get-together.

I once asked a wise church minister about my problem with setting aside time for prayer, and this was his reply:

“What about sitting down for ten minutes in a quiet room with a nice cup of coffee and asking God to share that time with you? You don’t need to speak – but tell Him that this is His time and yours together. God will absolutely love to spend any time with you – even if it’s over a cup of coffee”

A Dog and A Clock helps me to do just that.

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

Loving the Feedback!

Heartfelt Appreciation for “A Dog and A Clock”

Email feedback from a customer in Scotland:

Look at what the postman delivered today –
I’ve dipped into it and I love it!

Thank you, Frith, for letting us know, and for sending the picture of the book next to your clock, too!

We love feedback like this. If you have purchased a copy of the book and want to tell us and others about it, let us know! You can contact us HERE.

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

Tell Me What You Think You Owe

Enjoy This Reading from “A Dog and A Clock.”

From God’s Word, the Bible… 

 “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”

Then He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

And those who sat at the table with Him began to say to themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”

Then He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”

From Luke 7:36-50


Tell Me What You Think You Owe…

Tell me what you think you owe the Lord, and I will tell you how much you feel like serving Him. If you think you owe a great deal, you will gladly serve and worship Him. If you think you owe very little, you will not be much interested in service or worship.

The truth of the matter is every Christian owes the Lord the same amount. He has done no less for one than He has for others. We all come into this world in a very sad and sorrowful condition. We come in with a sinful nature that causes us to be alienated or separated from God.

The piercing question is this: How can sinful human beings ever hope to enjoy fellowship with the perfectly holy God? To put it another way, how can guilty sinners ever stand acceptably in the presence of the holy God?

The answer is that sin must be taken out of the way, and there is only one way that sin can be removed from between God and us. Its penalty has to be paid! What is the penalty for sin? It is eternal separation from God or the eternal wrath of God!

There are only two ways for the penalty for our sins to be paid: we either have to pay it ourselves, which means we must be separated from God and heaven forever, or someone has to pay it on our behalf. In order for someone else to pay the penalty for our sins, such a person must, of course, be free from sin. We see the logic of this. If someone has sins of his own, he would have to pay the penalty for those and could not, therefore, pay the penalty for anyone else.

Jesus is the only person who ever lived without sin (John 1:14; 1 Peter 1:19; 1 John 3:5). Because He had no sins of His own, He could pay for the sins of others.

This is what His death on the cross is all about. There He received the wrath of God in the place of sinners. Because He was God in human flesh, He could receive in a finite length of time an infinite measure of wrath. This is the reason He cried out from the cross: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matt. 27:46).

The cost of sin is God-forsakenness in hell, and, on that cross, Jesus endured God-forsakenness for sinners. All who realize the depth and guilt of their sins and entrust themselves fully to Jesus in the work He did on the cross are released from the sentence of God’s wrath (John 3:16,36; Rom. 5:8-9;1 Thess. 1:10; 1 Peter 2:24).

What do Christians owe the Lord? A debt that can never be paid! We have been delivered from the wrath of God and given eternal life through Christ. In referring to a debt we owe, I am not suggesting that we must work for our salvation. Not for a moment! The Apostle Paul says: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).

We do not work for our salvation but from our salvation. Because we have been saved by the redeeming death of the Lord Jesus, we work to show our love and gratitude to Him.

It is not easy to show gratitude to the Lord by worshiping and serving Him. There are always a thousand things to occupy us. Some people excuse themselves from worship and service because they feel that they don’t have the time. Other people do so because they have been offended or hurt. Yet others do so because they don’t agree with the direction the church is going.

The answer to each of these excuses is the same: What do you owe? If you say that you owe nothing less than deliverance from the wrath of God to Christ, you must surely go on to say that He is worthy of your time and energy and that no hurt or disagreement is great enough to offset the debt.

What I have been saying is pointedly expressed in these words from Isaac Watts:


When I survey the wondrous cross

On which the Prince of Glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.


Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,

Save in the death of Christ my God;

All the vain things that charm me most –

I sacrifice them to His blood.


Were the whole realm of nature mine,

That were a present far too small:

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all.

Buy your copy of A Dog and A Clock and be sure to get a copy for a friend, family member, or work colleague, too!

Posted by James Holmes in A Meditation, Social, 0 comments

Press Release

Getting the Word Out!

Making information known is important, and it’s exciting to be able with Great Writing Publications, the publisher, to issue a press release. Some of the text we generated for this may be viewed below:

Written in easy-to-understand language, and in a way that will provoke further thinking and transformed living, this is a gospel-based book that may be used by believers and unbelievers.

We also added in the Table of Contents for Book 1; You can view it below or on the PDF here.

1 A dog and a clock
2 Whenever I am afraid
3 He to rescue me from danger
4 Tell me what you think you owe
5 The passing of a celebrity
6 Two questions most church attendees dare not ask
7 Christianity or “Ianity”?
8 The danger of snapshot theology
9 Cookie, the Christmas dog
10 And the award for best-dressed goes to
11 Vacationing in a cemetery
12 Who is really relevant?
13 Something we should all desire
14 Bethlehem’s Well
15 “Why this waste?”
16 The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain
17 Why does Christianity seem to mean so little?
18 What to preach on Easter
19 What about hypocrites in the church?
20 Finding God’s will
21 How can we be sure God exists?
22 Just call me Barabbas
23 A crisis of faith
24 Weird things
25 When it happens
26 Savoring
27 “Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment”
28 Turtles all the way down
29 True riches
30 Things I miss
31 Astonishing Love

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments

When Steam Rises from the Cup…

“The Cup Must Always Be Steaming!”

The sentiment was expressed exactly in the right terms:

“Regarding covers, it would be best only to use cups that have steam ascending. That conveys a warmth…”

We value careful, insightful thinking like that. The covers for the series are being designed with thoughtfulness and with care, and this detail is an important one.

Do you know of a steaming coffee cup image that you think would work well for books in this series? Then go ahead, CONTACT US, and let us know where to source it; maybe you will get the credit of finding an image to use in one of the future covers!

Posted by James Holmes in News, Social, 0 comments