Introducing Coffeetime in the Four Seasons
Bible-Based Reflections for Each Day of the Season

Coffeetime in Winter
The dog of Angelo del Plato watched intently as his master was lowered into the grave. Eight years later, friends of the family acknowledged that they could not remember a day when that loving dog did not visit his master’s gravesite, usually sitting a while on the turf over his master’s body. . . . Even those who are not dog lovers must admire and commend the faithfulness of that dog to his master. It is a sharp rebuke to many Christians for their lack of faithfulness to their Master!
So begins the first of these engaging and delightful readings from Roger Ellsworth as he connects ordinary life with the spiritual truths of God’s Word. Enjoy finding out about a dog and a clock, meeting the “Thumbs-Up” Man, learning what happens when God blocks our path—and benefit from ninety other life-changing reflections from the message of the Bible!
Read a sample HERE (PDF)
Coffeetime in Spring
We had to spend quite a bit time in the barn on the little family farm that I called home during my childhood years. The cows had to be milked each morning and evening. That barn was already old and rickety when my dad bought the farm. In wintertime the wind would whistle through the cracks in those barn walls and chill us to the bone. My dad’s remedy for the problem was to nail cardboard over those cracks. That certainly didn’t make the barn cozy and warm, but it helped!
So begins the first of these engaging and delightful readings from Roger Ellsworth as he connects ordinary life with the spiritual truths of God’s Word. Enjoy finding out how the fading lines related to an unfading hope, what happened the day the farmer’s precious milk all spilled, and why the donuts were nowhere to be seen on the table—and benefit from ninety other life-changing reflections from the message of the Bible!
Read a sample HERE (PDF)
Coffeetime in Summer
After we sang our closing song and prayed our closing prayer, these wonderful people began coming to me one after the other to bid farewell. I couldn’t speak their language, and they couldn’t speak mine, but I soon discovered we didn’t need an interpreter as we had a common language after all. It was the language of smiles, tears and uplifted index fingers. Yes, as they said their goodbyes to me, these Brazilian brothers and sisters in Christ would point upward. That was each one’s way of saying: “I will meet you in the air.”
So begins the first of these engaging and delightful readings from Roger Ellsworth as he connects ordinary life with the spiritual truths of God’s Word. What are the sure signs of a heavenly hope? How does a dog know that it is Sunday? Learn what’s unique about Rover and the cows—and benefit from ninety other life-changing reflections from the message of the Bible!
Read a sample HERE (PDF)
Coffeetime in Autumn
I've seen gold, and I’ve seen silver, but I have never seen apples of gold in silver settings. My initial reaction is that such apples in such settings must reflect both tremendous value and exquisite beauty. There are words like that—words of tremendous value and exquisite beauty! And we can possess them even though they were all spoken so very long ago. We can possess them by reading the reports of them in the Bible and by reflecting deeply on what we have read.
So begins the first of these engaging and delightful readings from Roger Ellsworth as he connects ordinary life with the spiritual truths of God’s Word. Enjoy finding out about apples of gold in silver settings, the bulldozing of a quaint little house, the author’s home for twenty-one years, and the connection between the golden key and the silver chain—and benefit from ninety other life-changing reflections from the message of the Bible!
Read a sample HERE (PDF)
Roger Ellsworth is a retired pastor, active in ministry and writing, who lives in Jackson, Tennessee. He and his wife, Sylvia, love the message of the Bible, and they enjoy sharing the wonderful counsel of the Word of God in language that ordinary people can understand and appreciate. Roger has written numerous books on the Christian faith, and has exercised a preaching ministry for over fifty years. Roger and Sylvia have two sons, Tim and Martyn.
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Be sure to collect all four books in the seasonal series!

Coffeetime in Winter: Bible-Based Reflections for Each Day of the Season | Roger Ellsworth | Volume 1 of 4 volumes | ISBN 9781735949130 | Trade Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 202 pages | SRP $17.99 (discounts available on quantity orders) | Great Writing Publications |

Coffeetime in Spring: Bible-Based Reflections for Each Day of the Season | Roger Ellsworth | Volume 4 of 4 volumes | ISBN 9781735949147 | Trade Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 202 pages | SRP $17.99 (discounts available on quantity orders) | Great Writing Publications |

Coffeetime in Summer: Bible-Based Reflections for Each Day of the Season | Roger Ellsworth | Volume 3 of 4 volumes | ISBN 9781735949154 | Trade Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 202 pages | SRP $17.99 (discounts available on quantity orders) | Great Writing Publications |

Coffeetime in Autumn: Bible-Based Reflections for Each Day of the Season | Roger Ellsworth | Volume 4 of 4 volumes | ISBN 9781735949161 | Trade Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 202 pages | SRP $17.99 (discounts available on quantity orders) | Great Writing Publications |

Coffeetime in Summer: Bible-Based Reflections for Each Day of the Season | Roger Ellsworth | Volume 3 of 4 volumes | ISBN 9781735949154 | Trade Paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 202 pages | SRP $17.99 (discounts available on quantity orders) | Great Writing Publications |